Here’s my reply to Tom Perez, Chairman of the Democratic Party, at democraticparty@democrats to help me remember what I wrote, and in the hope that you’ll join me:
I hope this helps, Tom.
What do you mean when you write: “all of us who believe that health care is a right for all Americans”? The ACA does not provide that.
You write: “Republicans are determined to take away health care from millions” and ask me to give you money to: “throw them out of office.” The Republican proposals are appalling, but…
What health care system is the DNC committed to instead?
Democrats keep losing elections because many voters want to throw US out of office and others don’t care enough to vote to keep us IN office. Why? They don’t know what we stand for.
Every other advanced economy provides universal health care and spends far less than we do. Decent people can disagree about whether or not health care is a human right but there is no denying that every way other nations provide universal health care costs less than ours.
Is that what you want me to donate for?
— Martin
Here’s what I replied to:
Martin —
Tonight, because of millions of grassroots Democrats like you who banded together and fought against it, Republicans’ attempt to take health care away from millions of Americans failed again.
While this is a victory for basic human decency, for the families who rely on the Affordable Care Act, and for all of us who believe that health care is a right for all Americans, the fight is far from over.
Republicans are determined to take away health care from millions. We saw it when Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Senate Republicans worked in secret, behind closed doors, to write a bill that would have given massive tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires, paid for by cutting working families off from the care they need.
They ignored the overwhelming opposition of their constituents — and now we’re going to make sure their constituents throw them out of office.
Help build the foundation to take on these Republicans in every state, elect Democrats who will protect every American’s access to health care, and take back our majorities in Congress. Chip in $3 or more tonight.
Thank you, sincerely, for everything you’ve done to stop health care repeal. Onward as we continue to fight for the values we believe in.
Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee
I’d like a party that thoughtfully asked why we need to spend more that all the rest of the world on weapons. Who’s going to attack us? No one wants nuclear war. Universal Health care even if its slow as in Europe is less expensive and produces better result. Releasing the billions wasted on our current military and insurance company health system would release enough to get us going on clean water, fixing faulty dams and bridges and delivery state of the art commuter rails services. We could even fix the tax code.
I’m sure Elon Musk could deliver his fast transit systems, Solutions abound for saving both the US from its current stagnation and the failures in world climate control. What we lack is competent thoughtful governance unbridled by reelection fears and bribes.